The DVD shows natural and dysfunctional motion sequences through film and 3D animation. The biomechanical background of the horizontal balance is being explained. The shown animation elements illustrate the basis for further 3D projects.
This DVD was published in 2011. It shows elements of one of my presentations of the past year. In the practical part, the “old master of the European western scene” explains what hides behind the term horsemanship. Jean Claude Dysli is a very experienced and outstanding horseman who strongly argues in favour of training that is appropriate for horses.
No trivial offense, but rather criminal offense!
Unfortunately, reports about piracy of parts of the DVD or even of the complete DVD reach us on a regular basis. The making of these teaching materials does not only take the intellectual input, but it also requires a high financial input. In order to finance further projects, the earnings of present projects are necessary. You decide if and when further teaching materials are made available.