meine Lieblingszitate:

Austausch mit Kriemhild Morgenroth Saddlery


Work in seminars

In my seminars I teach about the biomechanics of the horse. The background of the classical riding principals is based on this biomechanical knowledge.

"The Horse's Anatomy Determines Its Way of Training" is a lecture, which takes approximately 2 to 3 hours, and can also be extended into an event including a practical part. My presentation explains the classical riding principals ( as wwell as the "Richtlinen der Deutschen Reiterlichen Vereinigung" (FN) / Guidelines of the German Federation) from a biomechanical point of view. Based on this, we investigate advantages and disadvantages of training philosophies. I also enjoy working with problem-horses during the practical part. 

If interested in seminars or lecture events, please contact me exclusively via e-Mail. Mrs Johanna Heuschmann-Lütgendorf will get in touch with you immediately. 

The contact person for the organisation of seminars in the USA is: Sandy Mooney (



With increasing frequency we are being asked, whether “Dr. Heuschmann-seminars” are available for one of the most important target group: the equestrian offspring, namely children and young adults.

We are happy to announce that Ms Dr. Anita Schade, a highly esteemed colleague of Dr. Heuschmann, is going to support us with this project.

Together with Dr. Heuschmann, Ms Dr. Anita Schade will adapt the familiar contents of the seminars to make them age-appropriate, which enables the contents to be presented sensitively and lively, combined with many practical examples, in a one-day seminar.


For more information and date agreement, please contact us via Email: