meine Lieblingszitate:

Austausch mit Kriemhild Morgenroth Saddlery



Dear lovers of horse-riding: my cavesson can be ordered now!

Based on the Spanish/Portuguese cavesson, we have developed a cavesson which has a longer and more solid nosepiece, making the cavesson lying more stable and steady on the horse's nose. Thereby, it is not possible for the cheekpiece to pull into the eye of the horse anymore. Yet, the cavesson features the advantages of the Iberian one.

The nose pad can be adjusted through the Velcro on the inside of the nosepiece (for young or sensitive horses use a thicker pad). The cavesson is completely made in Germany. In the saddlery of family Wohlhorn, only top-grade leather and raw materials of high quality are used and processed.

The top-quality craftmanship gives reason for the shop price of 299 €. For now, only this design is available.


The cavesson can be purchased at:

Reitsport Frank Wohlhorn

Everswinklerstraße 21

48351 Everswinkel

Tel. 02582 - 1674


Contact person: Ms Bock


I hope you enjoy working with the cavesson!

Yours sincerely,

Gerd Heuschmann


Congratulations to the FN for their latest Principles for Riding and Driving!

A truly well-done classical teaching on the basis of the HDv12. Finally, the FN positioned themselves. I am looking forward to the realization of the new principles within the daily practice of competitions.

Thank you very much and all the best for this important project!


DVD Gerd Heuschmann meets Jean-Claude Dysli

With this DVD, a top-class seminar was recorded. It took place at the main stud “Landesgestüt Schwaiganger/ South Germany” on May 29th in 2011. The classical training philosophy was represented by Dr. Gerd Heuschmann, the western riding by Jean-Claude Dysli. Both are personalities who have already made history during their lifetime. This DVD unifies and perpetuates the two men.

Jean-Claude teaches on his 26 year-old Quarter stallion Oakie. Adding up both their ages, they reach an age of over 100 years and impart knowledge which is mainly addressing the Western scene, but it also inspires every rider of a different riding style.

Jean-Claude Dysli is the one, who brought the first Quarter Horse from the USA to Germany 30 years ago. If not for him, the Western riding scene would not exist. By the use of his traditional Californian riding style, he always represented and still represents Horsemanship at its best! The Wu Wei publishing company published his new book “A Way Of Life” in 2012.


Duration of the double-DVD: 4,5 hours. Concentrated knowledge of horse training  in practice and theory. Language:German.

ISBN 9783930953752
Preis: 34,95 Euro